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The Snow Queen (2024)

Original Fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen, Adapted by Josephine Czarnecki

Performed at the Londen Nelson Center in Santa Cruz, California

with the Santa Cruz Parks & Rec Youth Theatre

Directed by Josephine Czarnecki, Asst. Dir. Sophia Alexander-Sidhom

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This is an adaptation of the original story, in which some liberties have been taken. While Andersen’s story has a religious slant, I’ve used a different lens. We still have the evil eponymous queen, who preys upon people who get a shard of ice (or glass) in their eye, causing them to see negativity in the world. However, considering Gerda’s strange encounters in her adventures (many of which are from the original), it seemed fitting that the negativity be linked with the disillusionment of grown-ups. It is also worth noting that the original, from 1844, still features a little girl who goes off to rescue the boy in distress, and the attempts to divert her from her goal generally have to do with relationships put upon her by these strangers. 

But of course, it is only a children’s play. But behind our facade of hasty props and thrift store cloaks, do not think these actors don’t understand the strange moments they portray. Doesn’t the Spring Witch seem a little too cloying? Aren’t those flowers quite conceited? Are you just a bit nervous about the friendship threatened by the Robber Princess? And… don’t they, for a moment, seem just like the very image of Grown-Ups? 

So enjoy what you will, dear audience, be it the beaming faces of your darling actors, or a single moment where you might, in fact, believe the intentions of these characters to be just a bit too genuine. 

And my apologies to any Grown-Ups – it’s not personal.

Script currently under consideration for publication. 

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